Past Events

Night Vigil! Friday 10th June 2022

Night Vigil! Friday 10th June 2022

We’ll be having our quarterly night vigil service starting at 11PM. It will be filled with prayer, worship and the word. These services usually take place at a different location: St. Helen’s Church, Rainham, RM13 9YU.

Children’s anniversary Sunday 4th September 2022

Children’s anniversary Sunday 4th September 2022

Our children get a chance to bring their praise offering onto God! It will be a sunday full of praise, song renditions from our children and the word. Come along and bring your children as we worship God for His blessings. Join us at our location at 10AM prompt.

Night Vigil! Friday 9th September 2022

Night Vigil! Friday 9th September 2022

We’ll be having our quarterly night vigil service starting at 11PM. It will be filled with prayer, worship and the word. These services usually take place at a different location: St. Helen’s Church, Rainham, RM13 9YU

Annual Healing Service Friday 28th October 

Annual Healing Service Friday 28th October 

We’ll be having our annual healing service! We believe in the powerful hand of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. This event is filled with immense faith, prayer, the word and worship as we seek God for perfect healing against all sickness whether physical, mental or...

All Events

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                [post_title] => Friday 27th October 2023 Annual Healing Service
                [post_author] => 8
                [post_date] => 2023-08-30 18:03:48
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                [month] => 8
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        [1] => stdClass Object
                [slug] => upcoming-events
                [ID] => 871
                [post_name] => 871
                [post_title] => Sunday 3rd September 2023 Children's anniversary
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                [year] => 2023
                [month] => 8
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                [post_date] => 2023-08-24 17:30:47
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                [month] => 8
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                [post_date] => 2022-12-31 12:17:00
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                [month] => 12
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                [month] => 12
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                [month] => 10
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                [month] => 9
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                [post_date] => 2022-09-04 15:40:53
                [year] => 2022
                [month] => 9
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                [month] => 6
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  • +2023 (3)
  • +2022 (7)
  • +2018 (1)
  • +2014 (1)